Tuesday, November 5, 2013

Vegemite With My Buddy, Darth

I don’t know about you, but I have yet to meet someone who kind of likes or dislikes durian.  The same can be said about Justin Bieber, because that just happens to be the way life works sometimes.  Sometimes, there really is no grey; there’s no in between, and there’s no indifferent “meh” about it.  Sometimes, you just really love something, or you absolutely hate it, and instead of standing in the middle, you’re forced to pick a side.  So, which is it going to be?  Are you going to stand with your buddy Darth over there?  Or would you prefer Lukey Luke?  Good, bad, light, dark, like, dislike, love, hate—what’s it going to be?

I'm not exactly sure where I went wrong, but I've joined the Dark Side.  I can officially say that I like Vegemite.  

After spending a few months here in Aussieland, I figured that it was about time that I gave the infamous Australian spread a try, and so this morning, I did. Following the words of advice that I've been given time and time again from a few self-proclaimed Vegemite connoisseurs, I made sure to load the butter on thick, and to spread the Vegemite on thin--very, very, very, thin.  And then thicker, and thicker, and thicker.  I guess that's when I realized that I liked it.

To be honest, it kind of tastes like really salty soy sauce, and when used sparingly, it can actually be quite nice!  I've yet to try the spread with anything other than butter though, but I've heard that Vegemite and Cheese is a fairly popular combination.  They even have Vegemite and Cheese flavored chips here...I suppose it's the Australian equivalent of the classic American peanut butter and jelly? Speaking of peanut butter and jelly...a lot of Australians are actually living rather incomplete and unfulfilled lives... I've met more people here who haven't had a PB&J than people who have had one. It's mind blowing really, especially since a PB&J sandwich isn't one of those foods that you either love or hate.  You either love a PB&J, or you love a PB&J.  And that's that.

On that note, I have one more thing to say.  Come join the dark side, we have Vegemite.  I'm sorry, I just had to!



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